Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Espaço dedicado a todos os usam as suas motos BMW em caminhos mais "agrestes"

Moderadores: pedropcoelho, LTS, JoseMorgado, amandio, MHQC

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Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
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Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 08:28

Encontrei recentemente uma série de vídeos que gostaria de partilhar convosco sobre off-road.
Penso que ajudaram aqueles que gostam, querem começar ou, mesmo, para os que já são "experts".

Estes vídeos pretendem apenas partilhar algumas dicas, técnicas e sugestões que acho pertinentes e que gostaria eu de saber quando tinha a minha GS, pois na altura não tinha feito tantas asneiras que me poderiam ter custado sério, mas que felizmente correram bam bem.

Assim sendo aqui vai.

13 Common Mistakes Adv Riders Make
Hey ADV RIDERS, welcome to another video in the adventure motorcycle training series. Today. I wanted to talk about some of the most common mistakes I've seen adv riders make while running tours across the world. It is something we stress a lot to our riders that come with us on trips because ending up in the hospital in the middle of your once in a lifetime trip can be a total show stopper and it makes us sad when we see that most of them could have been completely avoidable. Anyways, hop-off that Adventure Motorcycle for a sec and come watch this one because I think you're going to perhaps learn a thing or two.

Fonte: Ride Adventures
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

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Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 08:29

4 Ways to Turn Your Adventure Motorcycle Around in Tight Spots
Hey ADV Riders! Welcome to another video in our Adventure Motorcycle Training Series. I’m Eric Lange with Ride Adventures and today we're going to teach you 4 of the best ways to turn your adventure motorcycle around in tight spots.

1. Simply get off the bike, and push it back and forth. Safest. Easiest.
2. Y-Turns
3. Kickstand Pivot Turns
4. Pivot U-Turns (Most Badass)

Fonte: Ride Adventures
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

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Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 08:55

The First 6 Investments to get the most out of your Adventure Motorcycle | Motorcycle Ergonomics
Welcome to another video in the Adventure Motorcycle Training Series. Today, I'm going to be talking about the 6 first investments that you can make to get the most out of your Adventure Motorcycle. Most of these recommendations are opinion based but having ridden the last 10 years and built an International adventure motorcycle touring company, I think I can offer some good info for riders who never really made any adjustments to their bike once they bought it.

These are minor investments that make a huge difference. All the adventure smotorcycles that are being bought come out of the factory looking the same but all of us as riders are not the same size with the same dimensions, overall physique, and stature. Use these points and make your bike fit you ergonomically the best so you can get the most out of it and see more of this beautiful world.
Thanks for watching come back for more videos

Fonte: Ride Adventures
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

Avatar do Utilizador
Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 10:10

WHEN & WHY you should STAND while riding an ADV Motorcycle
Welcome to our newest series ADV Motorcycle training! We're starting with one of the most controversial topics, standing while riding off-road. Now there's a lot of opinions out there but I think we can all agree how complicated this issue is. In today's video we take 5 situations where it is beneficial to stand while riding and then 5 situations that sitting might be the better option.

Fonte: Ride Adventure
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

Avatar do Utilizador
Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 10:38

Welcome to another addition to the Motorcycle gear series. Today, we're talking about Adventure Motorcycle Modifications farkle* style.

* "Farkle (n): A modification to a motorcycle that satisfies the following criteria: creates “bling,” serves a purpose (the usefulness of which is in the eyes of the farkler) and is most likely expensive. Often used among touring riders to denote or convey status amongst their peers. Ex: “I picked up a new farkle for my ST today: a GPS-based Starbucks locator!” (v): To farkle; to accessorize one’s motorcycle with farkles. Ex: "Damn, Joe really farkled out his 1200GSA; it’s even got a butt warmer!”

But in all seriousness, some of these mods are well deserved and can be an important addition either for protection or comfortability during those long rides. What adv moto mods do you have on your bike?

Fonte: Ride Adventure
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

Avatar do Utilizador
Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 10:56

Hey ADV Riders, today we're doing a review on soft vs hard luggage systems on a few of our adventure motorcycles. We break it down to 9 categories; protection, weight, waterproofness, durability, ease of access, ease of installation, versatility, safety, and compatibility. Two solid competitors but only one winner. Watch to find out which wins our vote!

Fonte: Ride Adventures
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

Avatar do Utilizador
Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 11:04

Adventure Motorcycle Gear | The Ultimate All-Weather Set Up
Hey Riders, welcome to another RIDE Adventures video in the Adventure Motorcycle Gear Series. In this episode, we are going to uncover some time tested and weather tested gear that Eric has depended on in the last 10 years he's been riding and guiding. Various tours will often send Eric all over the world from frigid Patagonia all the way to100F full humidity Thailand so don't miss out on discovering Eric's best Adventure Motorcycle Gear as well as the info as to why he has chosen this gear.

Fonte: Ride Adventures
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]

Avatar do Utilizador
Mensagens: 9028
Registado: 21 abr 2008 12:05
Localização: Oslo, Norway

Re: Dicas e sugestões para quem quer fazer Off-Road

Mensagem por amandio » 13 out 2020 13:37

HEIDENAU K60 SCOUT | The right adventure motorcycle tire for you?
Hey Riders, welcome to another video in our adventure motorcycle gear review series. Today we are taking a look at the Heidenau K60 Scout. One of the reasons we picked the Heidenau k60 scout to review is because we've actually had chosen it long ago to be our main dual sport tire for use in our tour operations around the world. But like you guys are aware, there is no perfect adventure motorcycle tire just a perfect tire that suits your needs, right? Anyways, thanks for joining, and let's get started with the complete review of the pros and cons of the k60 scout.

Fonte: Ride Adventures
Amândio de Aveiro
(da Madeira, mas em Oslo)
A Zarolha - R1150 GS 2000 [2002-2013]
The Red Devil - K1100RS 1995 [2020-...]


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